New line of products in mercor tecresa®: fire dampers
For some years, Mercor has manufactured a line of products totally complementary to our main activity: the fire dampers. We continue with the expansion and commercialization of this product in the areas of our influence, where we were not present yet.
Fire dampers are absolutely essential for the correct sectorization of ventilation ducts in buildings, as mentioned in the DB-SI (Spanish regulation) in point 3 regarding internal propagation:
<<The fire resistance required for the fire compartments must be maintained at the points where these elements are crossed by elements of the installations, such as cables, pipes, ventilation ducts, etc., excluding the penetrations whose cross section does not exceed 50 cm². For this one of the following alternatives can be chosen:
1. An element that, in case of fire, automatically seals the passage section and guarantees at that point a fire resistance at least equal to that of the element crossed, for example, an automatic fire damper EI t (i <-> o) where t is the fire resistance time required of the partitioned element through, or an intumescent shutter device. >>
Types of fire dampers
For this reason, we have developed four product ranges tested under European regulations and with their corresponding CE marking:
1. Circular fire dampers: MCR models FID-PRO and FID -O, with fire resistance EIS120 (E = Integrity, I = Thermal insulation, S = Smoke tightness).
2. Rectangular Fire dampers: models MCR FID-P and FID-C, with fire resistance EIS120 (E = Integrity, I = Thermal insulation, S = Smoke tightness).
3. Multizone Fire dampers: model MCR FID-V with a fire resistance EIS120 (E = Integrity, I = Thermal insulation, S = Smoke tightness). They are specially designed to differentiate among zones of the same building, in which a gate can be opened while in others the gate is closed, as appropriate.
4. Fire dampers for explosion risk areas: models: MCR FID S / S p / P, MCR FID S / S p / O, MCR FID S / S p / P, MCR FID PRO, MCR WIP / S, MCR WIP / T, MCR WIP / TG and MCR WIP PRO / S with a fire resistance EIS120 (E = Integrity, I = Thermal insulation, S = tightness of the smoke). These fire dampers are certified according to the ATEX directive (potentially explosive atmospheres). They are designed to be installed in ventilation ducts as they pass through walls in order to prevent the spread of fire and smoke between two different areas in potentially explosive environments.
Contact our team for further information about fire dampers.