Renew CERTIFIRE certification for our Tecbor® panels in Tunnels.

Our Tecbor® panels renew certified by UKAS accredited CERTIFIRE CF 5616 from their Warrington office.


Certifire is an independent certification scheme that guarantees the performance, quality, reliability and traceability of products and systems.

The Certifire brand is recognized by regulatory authorities around the world as an international brand of fire safety.

Tecbor® panels have obtained technical approval for the fire protection system in tunnels, under its technical scheme TS58 “Fire Protection Systems for Tunnel Linings”.

Obtaining the Certifire certificate is a quality seal of products and fire protection systems, since it offers the opportunity to differentiate products and processes from non-certified equivalents, which helps to access markets around the world.

The scheme can also be used by architects, specifiers, contractors, and building owners, as Certifire ensures that properly installed fire protection products and systems will function as needed. Therefore, avoid costly mistakes and dramatically reduce risk.

The fundamental benefit of Certifire is based on giving confidence to the regulator, specifier, client and end user regarding the declared performance of the product and provides complete security and information to the client when selecting our Tecbor® panels.

Therefore, when choosing a product that bears the mark of an accredited third-party certification organization, it guarantees the performance of the products. Using properly installed certified products provides a powerful demonstration that due diligence has been completed.

For all this, mercor tecresa®, in our desire to always offer products of maximum safety and quality against fire, we inform you that our Tecbor® panels renew CERTIFIRE certification with certificate number CF 5616.