Standar UNE 23510 for Fire Detection Systems in Commercial Kitchens
Actualizado a fecha: 2 December, 2018
Last July 14th, the expected UNE 23510 standard for fire-extinguishing systems in commercial kitchens was published. Design and test requirements. This standard has been developed aiming to establish a common basis for the fire protection in commercial kitchens (such as those used in restaurants, hotels and hospitals).
The standard is aimed to protect against any risk, regardless of the typology of the extinction system used. This approach focuses on the risk protection rather than on the system definition, allowing the same level of protection to be achieved regardless the type of system used.
The conditions to be achieved by the different kind of extinguishing systems parts are outside the scope of this standard. This fact does not play down the need for the components to be designed in order to ensure the functionality and reliability of the system both for those for which there are existing standards and for those who do not have them at the moment.
Developed within the Technical Committee for Standardization, CTN 23 fire safety, the drafters of this standard have used as a starting document the one elaborated five years ago by TECNIFUEGO-AESPI with the minimum requirements for extinguishing systems in kitchens fire protection, which included details on installation, maintenance, supervision of the systems and some recommendations to prevent the spread of fire.
Thus, the object and scope of the standard UNE 23510 establish the minimum requirements that need to be applied to the design, installation, operation, testing and maintenance of automatic fixed fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of kitchens. In addition, it takes into account those areas containing food preparation elements that are liable to ignite. The protection includes both kitchen appliances such as the hood, plenum and extraction ducts.
Kitchens for domestic use or industrial food production equipment are not covered by this standard. However, under certain conditions it could be used as a reference. The standard is available at AENOR: www.aenor.es